On Monday, we started out our Christmas week at the South Park Mall. The girls rode around on the train and Charlotte teased me with an almost visit with Santa. She said she was ready to sit on his lap until she caught a glimpse of him and then she didn't even want to acknowledge his existence! So we just enjoyed our time walking around and soaking up all the Christmas cheer.
Well, in truth, the girls were, I was still stewing over the _____ out driving around who should never be given a set of keys in the first place. I yelled so many bad things forgetting in my ire of my little ears behind me that Nora had to ask,
"Mommy, who learned you those words! Those are bad words!" Agh! I become IRATE when confronted with bad drivers. Everyone knows that about me. Must work on that in new year!
On Christmas eve, we attended 3:00 mass and we had to stand in the back. All the Christmas/Easter people were out in full force saving seats, coming late and getting up front in their saved seats. I tell you, I felt a bit smug when I pulled out our envelope and Nora put it in the basket when it was going around. Yes, I eyeballed those people in the seats who fished out their singles to drop in the basket when I was legitimate with our envelope, saying with my eyes,
"Yes, that is my seat you're sitting in, you latecomer with no envelope and saved seat!"
I think I was losing my Christmas good cheer chunk by chunk!
When we got home we feasted on appetizers of pizza dip, sausage balls, pigs in a blanket, and cheese w/ crackers during the afternoon. For dinner, I made individual servings of chicken potpie. Craig thought I served him molten lava because he burnt his mouth and then it took forever for his to cool down. He was so funny about it and God love him because he ate the whole thing! The girls and I put ours in the fridge for a later date; we were stuffed from our snacking.
The girls received reindeer food from their little friends whom they play date with last week. It was a sandwich baggie full of oats, seeds, sprinkles, and glitter with a note attached that reads,
"Sprinkle this reindeer food outside tonight. The moonlight will make it sparkle bright. As the reindeer fly and roam. This will guide them to your home.
The girls had such a blast throwing their reindeer food outside. I didn't take pictures because I was having too much fun helping them and participating! It was truely one of those moments where your heart swells with love watching their joyous faces! So after all our feasting, we had to make some cookies for Santa. Santa told Nora that he liked Chocolate Chip cookies. So the girls commandeered the Kitchen Aid and went to town making their cookies for Santa. Flour was going everywhere and they were loving it! I was just there to make sure we had correct measurements and to help scoop the cookie dough, but they were in charge.
Craig also had Santa tracker on Norad so we could keep abreast of where Santa was at all times. Nora was SUPER excited by this. She would run around the house yelling updates.
"Santa's in Africa!"
"Santa's in Ireland!"
So when Santa hit Brazil on the tracker it was time to call it a night because the girls had to be fast asleep before Santa got to our house. Christmas day, Nora woke up first and woke the rest of us up with screams of, "SANTA'S BEEN HERE!" We went down to the tree where we had a sweet frenzy of opening packages. Nora and Charlotte were extremely cute and sweet when they were tearing through their presents. The big hit this year was "Barbie and the Diamond Castle". They got the dolls, movie, horse and carriage.

sister love all the pic's from x mas. the girls look marvelous!!
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