Thursday, September 11, 2008

School is all good!

School's here and we're getting ready to roll! I took a ton of pictures and I will post a lot more soon.Nora and Char graciously allow their wacko mother to take a few pictures so she can cry over them while they are gone!
Nora loving me and so proud with her new backpack on!
Nora angry with me because she wants to take the pictures and I haven't given her my camera yet. Charlotte giving Pinkdog all kinds of love. Those two really missed each other today.
The girls got a call from Daddy and Nora is telling him all about their first day of school and all the fun they are having.

I took this when we got home. Such a busy and fun filled day deserves a nap!
Charlotte's teacher Mrs. Bradley said Charlotte was so good today and she had a lot of fun with the other kids making hand prints!
Nora's teacher, Mrs. Niemaseck, was so surprised in a good way at prayer time, Nora broke into her Catholic prayers I taught her. "In the name of the Father, Son....." and then she said the Grace before the noon meal. Keep in mind, this is a Baptist preschool and last year she was learning Baptist prayers and such and Grandma Sal told me I better get my kids some Catholic prayers!
So I taught her some and she does a fantastic job reciting them. So I forgot to tell her teacher we were Catholic and Nora might say different prayers. Well, Nora knocked their socks off in a good way and everyone was so impressed with the little Catholic in the Baptist school. Go my little Bible thumper!


Anonymous said...

cutest pre-schoolers virginia has ever seen!

Anonymous said...

Ann the kids are in school and you know what time it is!!!!!!! J O B


Anonymous said...

school days = free time! the girls look to cool for words.