Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rain rain go away!

I forgot that Nora was still waiting to see the fireworks from the Fourth until she reminded me this morning. We've had rain and/or overcast skies since the holiday weekend. The fireworks were cancelled and we're still waiting for the rescheduled time to see them.
Charlotte on the move again and won't stand still for a couple shots with the cute umbrellas.

Last night regularly scheduled programing was interrupted for tornado warnings. So from 7-8 pm, I was putting away laundry I had folded earlier. I was looking out every bedroom window for possible twisters. Good housework always prevails over twisters! We just had rain and some lightening. All bad weather was to the south and east of us.
What are we growing? We planted so many seeds in April and sporadically took care of them. So we only had one seed sprout. So I think it looks like a zucchini blossom, but I don't remember planting zucchini. I do remember planting pumpkins though. The leaves are huge. We'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love char's outfit