Well....Nora the roving photographer strikes again! Let's admire the images she has managed to capture this week. Well, these are the 3 that I saved. She did take at least 20 pictures of her
Webkinz too. I had to delete those!

Poor Pink. This little
doggie loves her girls so much and I'm pretty sure it's returned in Full Force!

Not much going on today....
play date this morning....long nap for everyone this afternoon and I've got chili going in the crock pot. It's not really Fall yet in VA, but I feel like it and I am always inspired by my sister so I've been using my slow cooker a lot lately.
But no ranch dressing recipes....can't go there!
that second picture looks a little sketchy!
three cheers for the CROCK POT! the girls have asked me to cook on the stove this week. wish i had a viking like my sister.
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