We also got a Whole Foods this month too. It's actually one block over from Traders but we didn't hit that today. You can only make it through one grocery without a rebellion with a 4yr and 3yr old in tow. We were having a really good day, don't press your luck, and you'll get no whammies!
I really like this picture of "the girls" w/ Thomas Jefferson in Williamsburg. That was a really fun day. Sister enjoyed her wine and peanut brittle and I enjoyed going thru the sample line at the peanut company and then going back for seconds!
Ah...she's so beautiful. Any time she sees a picture of Obama/McCain she exclaims, "Mommy! That's your show!" Gotta love my baby!
I found my camera. I gotta apologize for besmirching the good names of my innocent children. I left it in the laundry room and by the grace of God, I accidentally found it the other day. My fault because of my faulty memory! Bad mommy!
kenees a little cutieee
you have too many food stores! grandma sal would go crazy buying all the new products.
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